Association Cites Concerns Around Worker Safety, Impact on Communities; Joins Coalition Of Workers, Businesses, And Others Opposing Ballot Question
BOSTON – One of the state’s largest construction associations today voiced its opposition to the ballot question to legalize commercial marijuana in Massachusetts. The Construction Industries of Massachusetts (CIM) cited concerns around worker safety on projects and the overall impact of commercial legalization on families and communities.
CIM is an association representing all aspects of the transportation and public works construction industry in Massachusetts. Members are general contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, equipment dealers, engineers, consultants, insurance and bonding companies, law firms and accounting firms and many other companies interested in furthering the progress of the industry.
One of CIM’s major concerns is the impact of increased use of marijuana on the worksite, particularly based on the influx of legal edible products that would come with commercial legalization. Employees who test positive for marijuana have significantly higher rates of workplace accidents.
CIM also expressed concerns about the negative impact commercial legalization will have on families and communities. At a time that many families are dealing with the impact of the opiate crisis, CIM believes that now is not the time to allow an industry into Massachusetts whose profit model is based on the promotion and sale of another addictive drug.
“Our members spend their days on worksites across the Commonwealth, and we believe increasing the availability of marijuana will undermine the safety of our workers,” CIM Executive Director John Pourbaix said. “The marijuana industry is a big business focused on the marketing and sale of an addictive drug, and we simply believe allowing this industry into Massachusetts is a bad idea for our workers and their families.”
CIM joins a growing coalition of workers, businesses, health care and community leaders, anti-addiction advocates, educators, first responders, and families who are opposing the legalization of commercial marijuana in Massachusetts.
Among the groups that have already come out in opposition to this initiative are: the Massachusetts Hospital Association, the Massachusetts Medical Society, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Retailers Association of Massachusetts, the Association of School Superintendents, the Association for Behavioral Healthcare, the National Association of Mental Illness (Massachusetts Chapter), the Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police, and all Massachusetts District Attorneys.