An appeal to Idaho Legislators:
On behalf of Health Advocates Rejecting Marijuana (HARM), please support SCR 112. SCR 112 gives the legislature control of medical marijuana and takes out-of-state brokered initiative petition laws off the table as a back door for big pot.
HARM was formed in 2004 in San Diego, California to reduce marijuana use by youth, to lessen the problems associated with the accessibility and use of marijuana by youth, and to change the perception that marijuana is harmless.
“Medical” marijuana is just a trojan horse for legalization and a scam for back door legalization.
The pro-pot lobby duped California voters, but we are fighting back.
Your support of SCR 112 tells the pro-pot lobby their failed social experiment will not be tolerated in Idaho. Your youth and neighborhoods will be safer and healthier with the passage of SCR 112.
March 19, 2013 UPDATE:
Senate Concurrent Resolution 112, which expresses the Idaho Legislature’s opposition to any form of marijuana legalization, easily received a Do Pass recommendation from the House State Affairs Committee today with only two dissenting votes. Nine witnesses testified in favor of the bill (representing the Association of Idaho Cities, the Idaho Chiefs of Police, the Idaho Office of Drug Policy, and the Idaho Prosecuting Attorney’s Association). Other witnesses included a wonderful teenager, a school resource officer, a former marijuana user who lost his son to drugs, and a pastor who is involved in a treatment ministry. All of the witnesses were powerful.
The other side had two witnesses, Lindsey Rinehart, who is chairman of Compassionate Idaho, and Bill Esbensen, who previously operated a marijuana dispensary in Ontario, Oregon until charges were filed against the business.
Having already passed the Idaho Senate 29-5, the resolution will now go to the full House with the sponsorship of Representative Rich Wills.
Thanks to Senator Winder who started the hearing today, Rich Wills who is the House sponsor, and all others who testified in favor of the bill. We hope to be able to report passage in the full House in the next two weeks.