The pro pot lobby’s playbook. Three steps to full legalization.

Is Marijuana Addictive? Bet Your Heroin on it.

"Cannabis Use Disorder" or marijuana addiction is real and number one reason teens seek substance use treatment.
“Cannabis Use Disorder” or marijuana addiction is real and the number one reason teens seek substance use treatment.

Dr. Adi Jaffe is just the latest to expose the underlying lie in the pro-pot playbook of Big Marijuana.  Yes, marijuana is addictive. And Big Marijuana is counting on it.

Just like Big Tobacco before them today’s Pied Piper’s of Pot are selling a carefully crafted lie on which their industry is based.  The reality is that they need to hook our youth in order to reap their profits. Continue reading Is Marijuana Addictive? Bet Your Heroin on it.

Truth from the UK — we’re all being brainwashed on marijuana

Maybe we can learn something from those going before us–if we can get anybody to listen.

Massachusetts, and all the other states before it, are going down the path towards legalization of marijuana. It starts, as it has in the UK, with “decriminalization” and moves through the next two steps in the Big Marijuana playbook–medicinalization, and then full legalization.

The British commentator and author, Peter Hitchins has seen the Big Marijuana movement for what it really is–snake-oil sold by charlatans at best, the next Big Tobacco at worst.

“It is amazing how many otherwise sensible people have already been fooled into accepting the dud arguments for relaxing the law against cannabis, one of the most dangerous drugs in existence.”

Continue reading Truth from the UK — we’re all being brainwashed on marijuana

Should we exclude marijuana laced foods from our basic food and drug safety standards and guidelines in Massachusetts?! What does DPH say in its draft regs?

Why should the marijuana industry be exempt from basic food and drug safety standards?

Why should we expose the Masschusetts public to unregulated sources of food and drugs?

The draft regulations issued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for the purpose of regulating the “medical” marijuana industry in  Massachusetts contains the following language: Continue reading Should we exclude marijuana laced foods from our basic food and drug safety standards and guidelines in Massachusetts?! What does DPH say in its draft regs?

“They’re Like Willy Wonka’s Golden Tickets” — This is marijuana as medicine?

If there were any doubt that behind the guise of medicine there lurks an industry as cynical as Big Tobacco, just watch the “medical” marijuana program unfurl in Massachusetts.  Like in the 17 states before it, the fox is is in the hen house writing the rules that will lead to abuse while enabling Big Marijuana.

Continue reading “They’re Like Willy Wonka’s Golden Tickets” — This is marijuana as medicine?

Larger Context on Marijuana — Legalization Through Deception

Eric Holder, US Attorney General, has promised this week to issue soon an opinion from the Justice Department on its response to the Colorado and Washington State ballot initiative-based laws legalizing marijuana.  Because of those state laws, the U.S. is currently in violation of several international drug control treaties.

Background: The marijuana lobby, actively pushing its message in Congress and online, has stated its state-by-state strategy for full pot legalization:

Continue reading Larger Context on Marijuana — Legalization Through Deception

A Lefty’s Marijuana Warning To Congress

“Legalization is not far off. Congress is eating out of our hand like pigs at a trough.”
–Marijuana Lobbyist

My parent group just received a copy of a letter in which you state your support for financing marijuana stores.

We know that support for the initiative petition that saddled our state with this new law was based on a plea for compassion for the truly ill.

We now know that 97% of the so called “patients” in California have no serious illness and use pot only to get high.

California communities are trying to shut pot stores because they are a menace to communities. We also know that the newly enriched marijuana lobby is behind all the propaganda suggesting that this is anything other than a march toward full legalization.

Meanwhile, our kids are getting high every day — rates of youth use and addiction rising each year since decriminalization. Marijuana use rates among our children have nearly doubled since 1992. Continue reading A Lefty’s Marijuana Warning To Congress